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CSRF Protection

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF) is a type of attack where unauthorized commands are sent from a trusted user to a web application. To help prevent this, you can use the csrf-csrf package.

Use with Express (default)#

Start by installing the required package:

$ npm i csrf-csrf
Warning As noted in the csrf-csrf documentation, this middleware requires session middleware or cookie-parser to be initialized beforehand. Please refer to the documentation for further details.

Once the installation is complete, register the csrf-csrf middleware as global middleware.

import { doubleCsrf } from 'csrf-csrf';
// ...
// somewhere in your initialization file
const {
  invalidCsrfTokenError, // This is provided purely for convenience if you plan on creating your own middleware.
  generateToken, // Use this in your routes to generate and provide a CSRF hash, along with a token cookie and token.
  validateRequest, // Also a convenience if you plan on making your own middleware.
  doubleCsrfProtection, // This is the default CSRF protection middleware.
} = doubleCsrf(doubleCsrfOptions);

Use with Fastify#

Start by installing the required package:

$ npm i --save @fastify/csrf-protection

Once the installation is complete, register the @fastify/csrf-protection plugin, as follows:

import fastifyCsrf from '@fastify/csrf-protection';
// ...
// somewhere in your initialization file after registering some storage plugin
await app.register(fastifyCsrf);
Warning As explained in the @fastify/csrf-protection docs here, this plugin requires a storage plugin to be initialized first. Please, see that documentation for further instructions.

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