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CLI command reference

nest new#

Creates a new (standard mode) Nest project.

$ nest new <name> [options]
$ nest n <name> [options]

Creates and initializes a new Nest project. Prompts for package manager.

  • Creates a folder with the given <name>
  • Populates the folder with configuration files
  • Creates sub-folders for source code (/src) and end-to-end tests (/test)
  • Populates the sub-folders with default files for app components and tests
<name>The name of the new project
--dry-runReports changes that would be made, but does not change the filesystem.
Alias: -d
--skip-gitSkip git repository initialization.
Alias: -g
--skip-installSkip package installation.
Alias: -s
--package-manager [package-manager]Specify package manager. Use npm, yarn, or pnpm. Package manager must be installed globally.
Alias: -p
--language [language]Specify programming language (TS or JS).
Alias: -l
--collection [collectionName]Specify schematics collection. Use package name of installed npm package containing schematic.
Alias: -c
--strictStart the project with the following TypeScript compiler flags enabled: strictNullChecks, noImplicitAny, strictBindCallApply, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames, noFallthroughCasesInSwitch

nest generate#

Generates and/or modifies files based on a schematic

$ nest generate <schematic> <name> [options]
$ nest g <schematic> <name> [options]
<schematic>The schematic or collection:schematic to generate. See the table below for the available schematics.
<name>The name of the generated component.
appGenerate a new application within a monorepo (converting to monorepo if it's a standard structure).
librarylibGenerate a new library within a monorepo (converting to monorepo if it's a standard structure).
classclGenerate a new class.
controllercoGenerate a controller declaration.
decoratordGenerate a custom decorator.
filterfGenerate a filter declaration.
gatewaygaGenerate a gateway declaration.
guardguGenerate a guard declaration.
interfaceitfGenerate an interface.
interceptoritcGenerate an interceptor declaration.
middlewaremiGenerate a middleware declaration.
modulemoGenerate a module declaration.
pipepiGenerate a pipe declaration.
providerprGenerate a provider declaration.
resolverrGenerate a resolver declaration.
resourceresGenerate a new CRUD resource. See the CRUD (resource) generator for more details. (TS only)
servicesGenerate a service declaration.
--dry-runReports changes that would be made, but does not change the filesystem.
Alias: -d
--project [project]Project that element should be added to.
Alias: -p
--flatDo not generate a folder for the element.
--collection [collectionName]Specify schematics collection. Use package name of installed npm package containing schematic.
Alias: -c
--specEnforce spec files generation (default)
--no-specDisable spec files generation

nest build#

Compiles an application or workspace into an output folder.

Also, the build command is responsible for:

  • mapping paths (if using path aliases) via tsconfig-paths
  • annotating DTOs with OpenAPI decorators (if @nestjs/swagger CLI plugin is enabled)
  • annotating DTOs with GraphQL decorators (if @nestjs/graphql CLI plugin is enabled)

$ nest build <name> [options]
<name>The name of the project to build.
--path [path]Path to tsconfig file.
Alias -p
--config [path]Path to nest-cli configuration file.
Alias -c
--watchRun in watch mode (live-reload).
If you're using tsc for compilation, you can type rs to restart the application (when manualRestart option is set to true).
Alias -w
--builder [name]Specify the builder to use for compilation (tsc, swc, or webpack).
Alias -b
--webpackUse webpack for compilation (deprecated: use --builder webpack instead).
--webpackPathPath to webpack configuration.
--tscForce use tsc for compilation.
--watchAssetsWatch non-TS files (assets like .graphql etc.). See Assets for more details.
--type-checkEnable type checking (when SWC is used).
--allBuild all projects in a monorepo.
--preserveWatchOutputKeep outdated console output in watch mode instead of clearing the screen. (tsc watch mode only)

nest start#

Compiles and runs an application (or default project in a workspace).

$ nest start <name> [options]
<name>The name of the project to run.
--path [path]Path to tsconfig file.
Alias -p
--config [path]Path to nest-cli configuration file.
Alias -c
--watchRun in watch mode (live-reload)
Alias -w
--builder [name]Specify the builder to use for compilation (tsc, swc, or webpack).
Alias -b
--preserveWatchOutputKeep outdated console output in watch mode instead of clearing the screen. (tsc watch mode only)
--watchAssetsRun in watch mode (live-reload), watching non-TS files (assets). See Assets for more details.
--debug [hostport]Run in debug mode (with --inspect flag)
Alias -d
--webpackUse webpack for compilation. (deprecated: use --builder webpack instead)
--webpackPathPath to webpack configuration.
--tscForce use tsc for compilation.
--exec [binary]Binary to run (default: node).
Alias -e
--no-shellDo not spawn child processes within a shell (see node's child_process.spawn() method docs).
--env-fileLoads environment variables from a file relative to the current directory, making them available to applications on process.env.
-- [key=value]Command-line arguments that can be referenced with process.argv.

nest add#

Imports a library that has been packaged as a nest library, running its install schematic.

$ nest add <name> [options]
<name>The name of the library to import.

nest info#

Displays information about installed nest packages and other helpful system info. For example:

$ nest info

 _   _             _      ___  _____  _____  _     _____
| \ | |           | |    |_  |/  ___|/  __ \| |   |_   _|
|  \| |  ___  ___ | |_     | |\ `--. | /  \/| |     | |
| . ` | / _ \/ __|| __|    | | `--. \| |    | |     | |
| |\  ||  __/\__ \| |_ /\__/ //\__/ /| \__/\| |_____| |_
\_| \_/ \___||___/ \__|\____/ \____/  \____/\_____/\___/

[System Information]
OS Version : macOS High Sierra
NodeJS Version : v20.18.0
[Nest Information]
microservices version : 10.0.0
websockets version : 10.0.0
testing version : 10.0.0
common version : 10.0.0
core version : 10.0.0

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